Media and Cinema Studies
Welcome to My Life

As a Senior in Media and Cinema Studies at the University of Illinois, I have developed a passion for sharing and creating works of art through film and video.

Unit 1 Photo Assignment

The first assignment featured in my Portfolio page demonstrates 10 pictures that challenged my visual eye for composition and framing. My theme for these pictures followed my everyday life and the visuals I have found myself experiencing throughout my day. As we continue through the semester taking online classes in my apartment, I found sights that I have fallen into the routine of seeing each day and captured them in a way to describe the type of routine I have been following thus far.

Processed with VSCO with c9 preset
Unit 2 Podcast

The Podcast topic I chose for my Unit 2 Assignment was the community in which college students live in this semester and ways they are communicating with those around them. I chose to speak to a friend of mine who lives a couple blocks away from me on campus. Although we have not seen each other too often this semester, I was curious as to how she was making friends at her apartment complex and what their typical routine is. The story we chose to talk about was an event that occurred during one of the first few weeks at school when Karolina was showing me her new apartment.

Unit 3 TV Show

The TV show I developed is called "Life in the 61820", a spin off of the popular CW show Gossip Girl which follows teenage girls and their lives in New York City. My target audience is woman ages 18-34 that may find interest in the life of a young 21 year old living in the Champaign, Illinois community.

About me

My name is Shana and I am a Senior at the University of Illinois majoring in Media and Cinema studies with Minors in Business, Communication, and Critical Film Production.

Some of my favorite hobbies outside of school include competitive dancing, skiing, getting coffee with friends, and attending music festivals.
